segunda-feira, 2 de agosto de 2010

Photos from first day. Cuzco - Sicuani 150Km

Hello! Today was the first day and we've made 150 Km in about... 4 hours!!!

The Mototaxi runs a little slowlier than we've expected... :) an average of 35 Km /h!

It's going to be hard to get to Asunción on time... Tomorrow we wake up at 5:30 and be beating the road at 6:00! :)

Before living Cuzco we had a nice party yesterday night with the locals at Plaza de Armas, in San Jeronimo - Cuzco, with firework and local dancing! Today the local witchdoctors gave us a good luck session with all the Inca rituals, before departing!

Enjoy the photos!

Lena & Gonçalo

2 comentários:

  1. Very nice!! 35km/hour? maybe you will make it to Paraguay in time for Xmas!! I love the helmets... have fun and keep posting pics.

  2. The Tour de France 2010 average for the winner was 39,6 km/hour!!! So, it means that Contador would be going faster than the mototaxi!!! heheheeh.. será que se meteres segunda isso anda mais rápido? Jorge
