We would like to give a big big THANK YOU to all of you that got involved with the UgaTuga project!
To our families, friends, coleagues and the almost 900 "fans" of UgaTuga club in Facebook!
It wouldn't mean the same doing this trip without all your support and entushiasm.
and... do you want to know the latest news?!? UgaTuga project is still ALIVE, even after the trip!
We are still in contact with the NGOs that we've met (in Portugal & in The Gambia) and full support their amazing work! We keep on promoting their activities and help them by raising funds, essencial for the continuity of their projects. Meaning, allowing them to real make a difference with the local communities. A special mention to the NGOs we've met in The Gambia as they are dedicating their lives for giving their time to the locals, without asking nothing in return. They are the real heroes. We've been there. We saw their work and the huge impact they are doing there. Our sincere THANK YOU for sharing your energy with us. And for allowing us to promote your work within our friends, to be a bridge between these two different realities and be able to make a small contribution to your projects.
1) Terra dos Sonhos: www.terradossonhos.org
Frederico Fezas Vital and his team in Portugal.
Delivering dreams to children with chronic and terminal diseases.
2) La Sonrisa de Africa: www.lasonrisadeafrica.org
Luis del Nota (and his wife Maria) in Banjul / Cristina & Natalia in Pamplona
Currently supporting more than 350 kids, allowing them to go to school everyday providing uniforms, school material, daily food and treatment for small injuries. And of corse, care and attention!
3) Los Niños de Kerrgallo: http://elcolordelapapaya.blogspot.com/
Gustavo Ahmed
Helping the kids in the orphanage to be self-independent and proving them the confidence to take control of their lives (currently building a school and a new well, facilitating health support and teaching how to plant a garden in orden they can be self independent).
4) Riverboat Doctors Inernational: www.rdi-ev.de/1-1-home.html
Henke and Henry in Buniadu village.
please see the VIDEO (in spanish) presenting the clinic they've launched in Buniadu
These two germans are dedicating their lives and founded a clinic that is providing free medical care to more than 50 people daily (mostly children) in a village where there are no resources.
5) Mensajeros x Gambia: http://mensajerosxgambia.ning.com
Spreading the word in Spain of the local projects in The Gambia. He is helping raising funds for the mentioned projects and founded a NGO that aims to bring to The Gambia medicines through the tourists that visit the country.
To all of you, our sincere THANK YOU!
We now leave you with a summary VIDEO of the UGATUGA project. Enjoy it!
and... We'll be back shortly!!! :D
Gonçalo & Jorge
quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010
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